E - Definitions

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  • E

    e-recruitment (e-recruiting)

    E-recruitment is an umbrella term for any electronic-based recruiting and recruitment management activity.

  • employee engagement

    Employee engagement is the emotional and professional connection an employee feels toward their organization, colleagues and work.

  • employee engagement software

    Employee engagement software helps workers feel more satisfied with their jobs and absorbed in the mission and culture of their organization, and, therefore, more productive and effective.

  • employee experience

    Employee experience is a worker's perception of the organization they work for during their tenure.

  • employee lifecycle

    The employee lifecycle is a human resources model that identifies the different stages a worker advances through in an organization and the role HR plays in optimizing that process.

  • employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

    The employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a metric used by employers to assess employee loyalty.

  • employee onboarding and offboarding

    Employee onboarding involves all the steps needed to get a new employee successfully deployed and productive, while offboarding involves separating an employee from a firm.

  • employee poaching (talent poaching)

    Employee poaching (talent poaching) or job poaching is the recruiting of employees who work at competing companies.

  • employee resource group (ERG)

    An employee resource group is a workplace club or more formally realized affinity group organized around a shared interest or identity.

  • employee retention

    Employee retention is the organizational goal of keeping productive and talented workers and reducing turnover by fostering a positive work atmosphere to promote engagement.

  • employee self-service (ESS)

    Employee self-service (ESS) is a widely used human resources technology that enables employees to perform many job-related functions, such as applying for reimbursement, updating personal information and accessing company benefits information -- which was once largely paper-based, or otherwise would have been maintained by management or administrative staff.

  • employee sentiment analysis

    Employee sentiment analysis is the use of natural language processing and other AI techniques to automatically analyze employee feedback and other unstructured data to quantify and describe how employees feel about their organization.

  • employee training and development

    Employee training and development is a set of activities and programs designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees.

  • employee vetting

    Employee vetting is a screening process conducted by employers for checking the background and verifying the information of a new hire or applicant.

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